Well, I wanted to start this year off with a renewed and reinvigorated focus. Instead, I’ve found myself at an unexpected cross-road, ankle deep in thought and staring at a vast, blank horizon. It’s puzzled me that I haven’t been able to see the path ahead. I’ve prayed, searched Scripture, pondered, and asked God to show me. Ironically, He prodded me with this thought, “Beth Rayann, you’ve ...
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Spending Time Sharing the Light
Examining God’s Word “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying,I am the light of the world:he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness,but shall have the light of life.”John 8:12 Evaluating Our Garden Ah, spring, the season that brightens our souls and chases away the dark, gray days of our winter’s rest. As the sunny days of spring begin to appear, they lure us from our winter ...
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Examining God’s Word "To every thing there is a season,and a time to every purposeunder the heaven... A time to love…Ecclesiastes 3:1&8a Evaluating Our Garden Loving others takes time. And, the question on my mind is, “How much time should I spend loving others?” I’m especially thinking about when it comes to spending time on or with those who don’t respect or reciprocate the ...
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Examining God’s Word “See then that ye walk circumspectly,not as fools, but as wise,Redeeming the time,because the days are evil.Wherefore be ye not unwise,but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”Ephesians 5:15-17 Evaluating Our Garden Showing hospitality is a great way to redeem our time. When we open our hearts and homes to others, we give people a respite from the daily toils ...
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Examining Scripture: "Be not overcome of evil,but overcome evil with good."Romans 12:21 Evaluating Soil: Having the spirit of hospitality is a good thing. It’s valuable. It’s a mindset that comes from a lifestyle dedicated to holiness. It doesn’t hurt anyone and welcomes others into our spaces to share good things with them. When we open our hearts and homes to others, we open our ...
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