Examining God’s Word
“See then that ye walk circumspectly,
not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time,
because the days are evil.
Wherefore be ye not unwise,
but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”
Ephesians 5:15-17
Evaluating Our Garden
Showing hospitality is a great way to redeem our time. When we open our hearts and homes to others, we give people a respite from the daily toils of life. It encourages growth in our faith and fruitfulness, and may help others overcome the trials they’re facing.
With all the evil and negativity lurking around the corners these days, we need each other more than ever. Our Creator created us to go through life together, knowing we’re stronger united than divided. We all do better with spiritual, physical, and mental support.

When we tackle things wisely together, we can do more good and overcome more evil. However, this quality time doesn’t just happen. We have to make it happen. It’s not just important for our well-being, it’s important for the world around us.
Experiencing Seasons
Since I work at home, and don’t have children, getting together is an enjoyable treat. Time spent sharing a cup of hot tea, discussing our Bible studies, life’s goals and desires, praying for one another’s burdens, running errands, “fun” shopping, doing crafts, taking in nature, or just chilling, feeds my heart.
Yesterday, I had a lovely day out with a friend on her day off. We prayed and ate breakfast at a favorite spot, discussed our Bible reading, reached out to her friend (to offer comfort and share the gospel). We swapped ideas, shopped, laughed at silly stuff, teased each other, and had lunch outside in the sun (before the freeze came). We showed each other hospitality and left one another feeling rejuvenated, relaxed, and excited to continue doing good things in our lives.
Later that evening, another friend joined me for a visit at my home for a cup of hot chocolate and to do our crochet projects, while our husbands prepped to paint a car. It closed out a very nice day.
These moments don’t have to involve a whole day out, be expensive, or get over-involved. It’s about sharing time together and building each other up.
Embracing Solace
Comfort and strength can be found in spending time with people who share Godly wisdom and do good things to help overcome the battles we are bombarded with. Just knowing you’re not alone is a comfort in itself.
Enjoying Simplicity
Hospitality can involve simple gestures that redeem the time in good ways that combat wickedness. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It can invigorate, inspire, and motivate us to stand strong in faith, and to do what is right when faced with difficult experiences, choices, behaviors, or reactions. It’s a wonderful resource for sharing the love God showers on us.
Employing Solutions
Redeeming our time in and through our hospitality can be as basic as:
- Noticing other people
- Sharing a smile
- Asking about their lives
- Listening for their needs
- Praying for or with them
- Texting a kind message
- Calling to check on them
- Replying to messages received
- Inviting them to join us
There is no shortage of people who need good in their lives. If we don’t know where to start, we can ask God to open our eyes and give us the wisdom to know who and how to help.
Bring It Home
What are some ways you like to spend time with others?
Praying for you as we grow together…
Smiles, BRC
Thanks Beth. I love your encouraging words. Last week a gentleman at our assisted living home told me he noticed how friendly I am and that he appreciates it. Made my day!
And, he was right Karen.
Smiles, BRC