Wow! What a refreshing blessing it was to have some time with my husband to get away from our regular routines and responsibilities. It was a great opportunity for us to celebrate our lives and accomplishments while getting to visit with family and friends, make new acquaintances, relax in nature’s beauty, enjoy fun places and events, and try new food and activities.
Spending Time A Long Way From Home
While this thirty-eight day venture took us a long way from home and was more of a work trip than a vacation, it was an exciting adventure. We took in so many neat experiences that I hardly know what to share first.

During our trip, I purposefully allotted time to enjoy something each day and tried to rest in between the activities and work. I also took quiet times to sit and contemplate the path I’ve been traveling the last number of years and the condition of my head, heart, and holiness as a result of where we’ve been and what we’ve been doing.
Spending Time with the Creator in Creation

I read the book of Proverbs and prayerfully considered where God is leading my heart and what He would have me do with the resources He has given me. Even though we came home pretty tired, I returned revived, refreshed, and rejuvenated for our journey ahead. This timely break made me more excited for today and where our path may lead us tomorrow.

My walks and bike ride in the beautiful park by my sister’s home in New Jersey and our visits to NJ garden nurseries, the Storm King Art Center sculpture park and the New York Botanical Gardens in New York were full of breath-taking moments of wonder. Each of these experiences reminded me how much I love soaking in the beauty of Creation and how close I feel to my Creator when out in nature. I left knowing that I would have to include more time outside and in gardens in my future.
Spending Time Soaking Up Moments of Tranquility
These moments of tranquility and the beauty of the greenery, landscapes, and spring flowers were so peaceful and inspiring that my heart couldn’t possibly take it all in. Words and pictures can’t do them justice or truly capture the essence of the solace experienced. However, I will do my best to share what I saw, and how I spent my time.

Watch for more about my trip
in my blog and social media posts
throughout the rest of this year.
It seems warmly appropriate that I see hearts wherever I go, since my heart is bubbling over from the beauty of these experiences. My eyes and senses are more alert now, than they were before I left, and I look forward to engaging them while continuing to observe more of the beauty of the world around me.

It is truly a gift from our Creator to be able to walk the paths of His Creation. And, now, I feel even more ready to continue to let Him lead me in His comforting paths of righteousness for His very own name’s sake. “Lead Lord. I will follow…”

“The LORD is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down
in green pastures:
He leadeth me
beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me
in the paths of righteousness
for His name’s sake.”
Psalm 23:1-3

It is my hope you are having a beautifully, inspiring year and enjoying the paths you are traveling. Let’s not forget to stop and smell all the amazing flowers in the gardens of our life. The bouquets of life should be put in a pretty vase and cherished.
Praying for you as we grow together,
Smiles, BRC
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