Celebrating Four Years of Blogging
May, 2020 – May, 2024
“A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance…”
Proverbs 15:13a
I’m pinching myself! I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for four years! I dreamed of setting up this BRC GALVANIZED GARDENS website, blog and the Facebook and Instagram sites for almost ten years before finally taking the plunge and joining the online world.
Since I began blogging four years ago, I’ve learned a lot, through this writing experience, about myself, and what I can do when I put my mind to it. I’ve loved visiting my desk each week, writing from my heart and home, and sharing my studies, words, thoughts, passions, and pics with you.
While my blog and social media platforms haven’t grown into the interactive format and community I desired it would, I’ve grown, and I’m grateful to God and my supportive hubby for the opportunity. This experience has helped me realize where my heart truly longs to be.
It is my continued hope that I will keep learning and developing this online space to help us grow together as we build our nests in this beautiful Creation while savoring our Creator’s gracious nurturing. My passion and desire to cultivate solace, simplicity, and solutions from God’s Word, nature, and life’s lessons remains strong today and I look forward to where God will lead me on this writing path.
Thank you to those of you who have taken time to join me on my garden bench to visit, read, reply, or share a sweet like, heart or thumbs-up. I’m filled with heartfelt gratitude for you and your encouragement. Without readers, blogging would be as useless as a lovely, secret garden hiding behind a locked gate at the end of an overgrown path.
Should God allow me to continue enjoying this journey and the solace and simplicity of this life He has blessed me with, I will celebrate these blessings to the best of my abilities. I will also stay committed to using my words, in whatever format, to bring honor and glory to our Creator in the days and decades ahead,
Today, in celebration of my 59th Birthday, and these four years of blogging and accomplishing some of my writing goals, I’ve decided to reward myself with a little time off. For the next few months, I will be spending my time resting my writing brain, relaxing with family and friends, reading for fun, rejuvenating in nature, and revisiting and revamping some of my other writing goals.
While I’m on this break, feel free to catch up on the past four years of blog posts, follow me on FB and IG, email me with your comments or questions, or share any topics or ideas regarding, Holiness, Homemaking, Hospitality, Harvesting or Hobbies that you’d like me to address on future BRC Galvanized Garden posts.
I may pop in and post periodically on Wednesdays to share what I’m enjoying during this time of solitude. and will also let you know how and when I will begin posting again, when that time comes. Until then, enjoy the rest of this gorgeous spring in your life’s garden celebrating life in small and grand ways.
I hope your heart is merry and that God will bless each of us as we continue to grow in His grace.
Smiles, BRC
Aly Turnipseed says
I pray you receive a blessing through this break! Enjoy yourself and your time off! Thank you for your heart. ❤️
Beth Rayann Corder says
Thank you Aly for your kind love and encouragement! ☺️🎉💝
🌸Smiles, BRC
Shannon Ward says
Enjoy your time off. I look forward to reading your old posts!
Beth Rayann Corder says
Thank you for your kind words and for reading the posts Shannon.
Appreciate you stopping by.
Smiles, BRC