Examining Scripture: “Distributing to the necessity of saints;given to hospitality."Romans 12:13 Evaluating Soil: Our homes and homemaking skills are great resources for helping our fellow Christians. God has blessed many of us with opportunities and resources to share our time, talents and treasures with others. However, not everyone is in the position in life to help others, and ...
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Rejoicing in Our Homemaking
Examining Scripture: “Rejoicing in hope;patient in tribulation;continuing instant in prayer;"Romans 12:12 Evaluating Soil: We get it. The world is full of tribulation and storms. We would have to live under rocks not to be able to see the turbulence stirring in homes, churches, schools, work places, governments, communities, and countries. Countless hearts are burdened, broken, and ...
Continue ReadingServing the Lord through Our Homemaking
Examining Scripture: "Not slothful in business;fervent in spirit;serving the Lord;"Romans 12:11 Evaluating Soil: Homemaking doesn’t seem to fall into the category of “serving the Lord.” In fact, most days, it feels like an obligation that consumes our time and prevents us from serving the Lord. It can often be seen as a burdensome responsibility that holds us back from doing the things ...
Continue ReadingAbhorring Evil & Cleaving to Good in Our Homemaking
Examining Scripture: “Let love be without dissimulation.Abhor that which is evil;cleave to that which is good.Be kindly affectioned one to anotherwith brotherly love;in honour preferring one another;”Romans 12:9-10 Evaluating Soil: Birds are amazing creatures. When you watch them on a regular basis you begin to see and learn their patterns of behavior. It’s inspiring to see them ...
Continue ReadingThinking Humbly & Soberly About Our Homes
Examining Scripture: “For I say, through the grace given unto me,to every man that is among you,not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think;but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.For as we have many members in one body,and all members have not the same office:So we, being many, are one body in Christ,and every one members one of ...
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