“While the earth remaineth, seedtime, and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. “Genesis 8:22 Gurls, have you noticed? It’s getting hot! We’re now experiencing ninety degree plus temps with stifling humidity hovering heavily in the air. Summer has officially landed and I’m perspiring just posting about it! How about at your home? Are you melting ...
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Subduing Intrusive Weeds
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it…” Genesis 1:28a Weeds sure are intrusive little things. They pop up everywhere! You pull up one and two take its place. I believe weeds are one of the biggest problems gardeners face besides weather conditions and critters. They’re pretty hard to beat but we faithfully attempt to ...
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“Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” Luke 12:27 Growth is a daily activity. People, plants, plans, and projects don’t grow over night. They develop little by little each moment, sometimes unaided and unnoticed. When we get too involved in everyday living we often miss the ...
Continue ReadingDeciding What to Plant
“She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.” Proverbs 31:16 My heart dances with excitement when buds sprout on stark branches and spring spreads the golden dust of life to encourage the dormant vegetation. Sometimes, when I study my gardens and think about where to dig and what to plant, I start itching to get my hands in the soil and even ...
Continue ReadingWatering the Seeds of Our Efforts
“So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.” I Corinthians 3:7 Life requires water. It’s a provision we often take for granted. That is, until it becomes polluted, gets cut off or dries up. When we lose access to it, we realize how essential it is to daily living. Like breathing, very little in God’s creation can live without it. ...
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