One thing I really grasped on my recent trip is the fact that the beauty of our Creator’s handiwork is all around us, and it’s up to me to take in the breathtaking solace of it. The tranquility of His life-supporting Creation nurtures and stirs up passions in me like nothing else I do. The gorgeous views of nature that I saw and enjoyed on this spring journey reminded me of what I truly love—being outside, observing God’s creatures, and viewing flowers! It also helped me realize that I not only want my passions to produce a solace in my heart and home, but I also want them to encourage a peace in the hearts of those I share life’s path with. People like you.
Nature nurtures us with a calming solace that provides a comfort that goes beyond words. Whether we pick a single bud or a large bouquet, feed the squirrels or birds, ride a bike, take a walk, have a picnic, lie in the grass, walk barefoot in the sand, or sit on the water’s edge, a moment in nature has a pleasant restorative and healing power. It’s a beautiful gift that God graciously created just for us. And, I love it!
As I have considered how I spend my time this year, I have felt the urge and prodding to be more selective about where I can be most productive and what passions bring the most fruit and pleasure. I know God doesn’t want me wandering aimlessly on this earth and wasting the time He has given me. I also know He doesn’t want me to be fruitless in my endeavors.
I was in awe of the beauty found in the NJ garden nurseries!
Inspiring to say the least!
So, as I look at the rest of this year and where my path may lead, I am seeking God’s Word and praying that wherever He leads me next, whatever He would have me do, whoever He would have me meet, and however long He will leave me here, that there will be a beautiful bike path through a lovely garden with squirrels, birds and other cute creatures to keep me company. I also hope to be willing to meet new people, see new sights, try new activities and stray outside my comfort zone a little further than I’ve been willing to do.
Me trying my hand at pottery, while adding a little humor to plant sticks and even giving the wheel a whirl. Way out of my comfort zone here, but my sister is a great (and patient) teacher!
How about you? Are you ready for an adventure? It is my prayer that God will lead all of us down bright, beautiful paths of productivity and passions that feed our hearts and homes. And, may He establish the work of our hands as we seek to serve Him together on His wonderful earth.
“And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us:
and establish thou the work of our hands upon us;
yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.”
Psalm 90:17
Now, let’s go find some dirt to play in, a plant to nurture, a path to walk on, people to love, and a passion that pushes us outside to enjoy God’s inspiring Creation. You in?
Praying for you as we grow together,
Smiles, BRC
Aly says
There is NOTHING like a walk through the woods, a good long gander up into the heavens, or a hand picked bouquet filled with color to really drive home the fact that God is a very present, loving, mighty and thoughtful Creator.
Beth Rayann Corder says
We are definitely united in this truth Aly. I pray God continues to bless you on beautiful natures walks with Him and your family.
Smiles, BRC