Friendliness still exists! Shocking, I know. But, it was so nice to see that there are still kind, friendly, and hospitable people roaming this world. They are everywhere, in communities, in businesses, in shops, at car shows, in botanical gardens, in stores, in restaurants, and on the streets of large and small cities. During our recent travels to GA, TN, NJ, NY, and AL, I found that kindness and hospitality are a more popular trend than our personal experiences and news sources lead us to believe. I stood in awe of the beauty of each friendly soul and the bouquets of kindness I enjoyed on the path of this journey.

Storm King Sculpture Park, NY
We met and visited with some of the nicest people on our trip and felt a sweet spirit of unity and hospitality on a broader scale than we only vaguely knew existed before. It was such a pleasurable experience and will be treasured for years to come.
We saw people who willingly smiled and showed unexpected generosity to friends and total strangers. These friends and new acquaintances, some we knew, and some we just met, went out of their ways to make us feel welcomed. They willingly:
- Opened their hearts and homes to us
- Hosted us for dinners
- Included us in their activities & events
- Introduced us to their friends
- Lent a hand
- Lent a tool
- Shared Information
- Shared tents
- Shared encouragement
- Shared a laugh
AND - Shared their Watermelon!
There is something to be said about people who are busy with their lives, may feel exhausted, are dealing with difficulties, are working hard, or are sitting in temperatures ranging in the high 90’s to low 100’s, who can still smile and be courteous and kind.
Welcoming and pleasant experiences happen when people willingly extend a warm hand with a pleasant smile, word, and attitude. I appreciate all the thoughtful gestures and heartfelt welcomes from our old and new friends.
Here are just a few of them and the states and places we saw them:

Ron with Dennis Graham, Host of Ridz by the River
& Jon Oscher, Owner of the Savoy Museum
Cartersville, GA

Marty Crain (Wife, Terry not shown.)
Rick and Nancy Manning, Chuck Savoca, and Ron
The Griers (and Fellow Host) of the SHRS
Southeastern Hot Rod Show, Dalton, GA
(Emphasis on H…O…T!)

The Lees, Whitteds, Greshams, Corders, and Jeremy G.
Greshams Home, Seymour, TN
New Jersey

Heidi, our super fun tour guide and activity planner!
Ima Byrd & Chita, two of her sweet babies.
(C.A.T. is shy and not shown. but sweet too.)
The tasty meatloaf dinner, one of many meals, Heidi prepared for us.
Heidi’s Home, NJ

Bryan & Carol Laube
Owners/Managers of the Caboose Hot Dog Stand
Awesome Help & Hosts!
Midland Park, NJ

Our cool car show hosts, Mike Brienza & his Dad
with Ron at a local show.
Midland Park, NJ

Fun & Friendly Spectators
Waldwick Community Alliance Car Show, Depot
Waldwick, NJ

Rob Ida and Ron at Rod Ida Concepts Shop
Bob Ida, Mike Brienza, Rod Ida, Ron and Ida Crew Member
Morganville, NJ
New York

Ron, Keith & the Rolling Bones Crew
Rolling Bones Hot Rod Shop, Greenfield Center, NY

Our Arizona neighbors, Paul & Charlotte.
1st Day at NSRA Car Show, Mobile, AL

Ron & Bob Hutchinson, The Italian Crapet Crew, Tricia Crapet
(and the yummy watermelon they shared with anyone around)
2nd Day of NSRA Car Show, Mobile, AL

Ron, Steve Kanter, & Chuck Savoca
Cindy & Pam
(Cindy won the Woman’s Award for her White Truck!)
(These were two NSRA ladies, who graciously allowed me
to serve with them at the ladies tea.)
Ron & Chuck with their awards.
2nd Day at NSRA, Mobile, AL
It is my hope that I will never take friendliness for granted and that I will reciprocate the kindness that others have so graciously extended to me. The world is only as unfriendly as we make it, and it’s wonderful to know that many people are doing their part to make others feel included by spreading the sweet seeds of hospitality. May it continue to spread like a watermelon vine in the heat of summer!
“A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly:
and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”
Proverbs 18:24
It is my prayer that I too will be the friendly kind of gardener that spreads the pollen of pleasantness to others around me. Thank you to all those, mentioned and not mentioned here, who made our trip so special and filled our hearts with cherished memories. See you on the next journey.
Praying as we grow together,
Smiles, BRC
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