Examining Scripture:
“I beseech you therefore, brethren,
by the mercies of God,
that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable unto God,
which is your reasonable service.“
Romans 12:1
Evaluating Soil:
When we choose to live holy lives that are acceptable to God, we need the right environment to sustain that desire. Plants need fertile soil to grow and produce a bountiful harvest. Our lives need fertile places as well.
Our home should be one of those environments. It should be a nurturing place that provides for, and promotes, spiritual growth that will produce Godly fruit.
Being a living sacrifice takes sacrifice, and sacrifice takes work, just like gardening. This may require us to remove unwanted weeds and tangled vines from our homes that tend to deplete and deter us.
Experiencing Seasons:
As I continue cleaning out my home and downsizing our belongings, I’ve noticed items that promote holiness in me and things that distract me from my righteous ambitions. While evaluating my home from a Biblical perspective, it’s been quite clear where my preferences and priorities lie.
My season of simplification is causing me to take a hard look at what I value most. I can see by my shopping habits and screen time that overindulgence and leniency have permeated my behavior and lifestyle. It’s not that all I’ve purchased for my home or things that I watch or read are bad. It just that, much of what I’ve acquired or given my money and time to hasn’t made me more faithful to or fruitful in my goals.
To present my body holy before God, I can’t be a poor steward of my home and self-sabotage my holiness. That’s why I’m striving to weed out any impurities and distractions in my space so that I can prevent ungodly vines from choking the life out of me.
Embracing Solace:
There’s a peace that comes with pure thoughts and moral behavior. Our Creator knew that. I believe that’s why He instructs us to pursue them. Living holy is for our benefit. He wants our homes to breed holiness, health, and happiness. Seeds of sin don’t grow bouquets of solace. Holiness does.
Enjoying Simplicity:
Simplicity brings a fragrant air of calmness and contentment to our homes. Less stuff means less stress. When physical stuff takes priority over our spiritual well-being, we start to compare ourselves to cultural norms instead of the Creator’s plans. This can lead to discouragement and discontentment.
If we have to dig beneath books, home magazines, computers, phones, and crafts, to find our Bibles, there’s a good chance our minds may be cluttered with other influences that aren’t feeding our faith or fruitfulness. Keeping things simple promotes focus.
Employing Solutions:
In order for us to live sacred lives and remain physically pure, morally blameless, and religiously and ceremonially consecrated, we have to set our homes up for success and remove the things that prevent holiness.
Let’s take a scan of our homes. Are there things in our midst that feed:
- impurity
- immorality
Now is a good time to start spring cleaning and fertilize our space with things that build us up spiritually and keep us focused on godly endeavors.
Hindrances and hardships show up in life just like weeds and vines in gardens. Let’s protect our faith, and promote our fruitfulness by cultivating holiness. We may enjoy our “home sweet home” even more.
Bring It Home
Ready to join me in weeding out our homes? Give me a “thumbs up.”
Praying for you as we grow together,
Smiles, BRC
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